I am in the process of upgrading a site from 1.3.x to 2.0.47, and have
encountered a (perhaps obscure) problem.

For mod_rewrite I sometimes need to extract and/or test client
certificate field values.

Under 1.3.27/2.8.14 and earlier I could use - (at virtual host level):


SSLEngine on
SSLOptions +StdEnvVars +StrictRequire
RewriteEngine on
RewriteLogLevel 9
RewriteCond %{LA_U:SSL_CLIENT_S_DN} (..*)


As of apache 2, the rewrite log shows that the SSL_X environment
variables (and the HTTPS variable) are not being set during the lookahead.

Can anyone think what might have changed that would cause this? e.g. any
changes in the ssl fixup-phase hook handler and sub-request handling?

Better still, can anyone think of a way to force the variable processing
in the subrequest?

   Thanks & regards,
       James Collier

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