Hello All,

We have put together a virtual IP based apache+mod_ssl server. This is the first time I have done this type of thing as we were running a name based virtual server up to this point. I have a few questions, obviously. ;-) I stacked three IP addresses up on the ethernet using ifconfig:

   ifconfig eth0:1 64.x.x.100 netmask
   ifconfig eth0:2 64.x.x.101 netmask

I created three apache servers, each binds to it's individual IP address via the Listen directive within apache, e.g.:

   NameVirtuals: Listen 64.x.x.99:80
   Secure0: Listen 64.x.x.100:443
   Secure1: Listen 64.x.x.101:443

A netstat verifies that this binding is as expected and the individual apache servers (and children) are listening where they should be.

The named virtuals is using vhosts/Vhost.conf to specifiy the various virtual domains that are available via port 80 of the 64.x.x.99 server. I presume that we can only listen on port 80 of that IP and that an attempt to also listen on port 443 will result in a nasty failure? Yes, we did try to listen on both port 80 and port 443 with a single server, heh, I don't take anybodies word for it if they say "it cannot be done", but such information is not ignored out of hand. ;-) heh

Anyhow, everything seems to be working fine. Each server has its own unique user + group defined: apache, apache_s1, and apache_s2. What I was confused about was the shared (?) files used for ssl housekeeping, these are:


From the apache documentation, which is extremely terse regarding IP virtuals(!), it seems to suggest that the semaphore signaling would be used as an interprocess communication sync method between modules / functions of the particular server. The impression that I got from the docs was that a mutex file would need to be defined for each server running modssl? I defined them as such:

   Secure0: SSLMutex  file:/var/cache/apache2-mod_ssl/ssl_mutex0
   Secure1: SSLMutex  file:/var/cache/apache2-mod_ssl/ssl_mutex1

This way I can avoid collisions between the two independant apache servers running modssl and avoid mutex problems? My understanding is that each server would have a copy of libc (whatever) and semaphores would be peculiar to the loaded modssl & apache runtimes, therefore, reusing the ssl_mutex file would result in very bad things happening? I did the same for the ssl_scache files, defined unique files for them as well.

Yes, we also segragated the error_log, httpd-pid, etc., files as well. The cert is shared (defined) as being common to the two secure services (servers), we have no need for a seperate cert as yet, this is still a test server.



-- Tom Walsh - WN3L - Embedded Systems Consultant http://openhardware.net, http://cyberiansoftware.com "Windows? No thanks, I have work to do..." ----------------------------------------------------

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