
I’m not sure if this would be considered a vulnerability or lack of
functionality of Mod_SSL or OpenSSL.

Test Platform

Red Hat Linux 9.0
Apache 1.3.31
Mod_SSL 2.8.18
OpenSSL  0.9.7d

Apache server is configured for client authentication using digital
certificates and validation of a certificate revocation list (CRL) file.

Certificate Revocation List Concern:

If using the Certificate File directive for a CRL, Apache will start with
an expired CRL file. I am trusting several Certificate Authorities, but
only have one CRL file (expired) from one of the CAs. I am allowed access
using a revoked certificate as long as it is not issued from the CA of the
expired CRL file. I am not allowed access if I select a certificate issued
from the CA of the CRL file I’m using. The logging is correct in that
Apache is going to deny access for all clients of that particular CA until
I get a new CRL. 

If using the Symbolic Link directive for the CRL file, Apache will start
with NO CRL file available. Apache will allow revoked certificates to
access all protected pages. 

I’ve also noticed a similar behavior with path validation when using client
authentication and digital certificates. It seems as though Apache will
allow access as long as it can find a CA it trusts in the chain of the
client’s certificate. Shouldn’t Apache/Mod_SSL validate the trust of each
CA in the path for a client certificate? You can configure how deep to
validate the certificate, but it seems as though it’s just going to check
as far up the chain until it finds a CA certificate it trusts and then

Internet Explorer was vulnerable to this type of attack because the browser
did not validate the trust of each certificate in the chain. Someone could
stand up their own CA using OpenSSL and issue digital certificates using a
signed certificate from a higher level CA. Internet Explorer would just
look through the tree until it found a CA that was trusted instead of
alerting the user that a rogue CA certificate had been found in the path.

Any feedback would be appreciated. 



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