You're right, some of this stuff can be se up earlier.
  So what I'm really doing is receiving an SSL cert as a part of an HTTP 
request. Behind the scenes I've got an apache module or PHP running that will 
service it. It takes the cert, copies it to the right place, updates the config 
files to enable SSL, and then, ... what?
  I don't want to restart the device, because there are other things going on. 
I really only want to make apache aware of this config change, but I'm thinking 
there's no way to do that, is there? Alternatively, I guess I could restart 
apache, but how can I do that since I'm in the middle of servicing a request?

Dave Paris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Ok, so script the chown'ing and permissioning on import. It's still 
easier on an embedded system to install apache as SSL-capable and only
enable when desired, rather than jumping through flaming hoops and 
loading up the mod_ssl module when needed.

Embedded devices are designed around the KISS principle. The more 
complex you make it, the surer you are to be getting loads of support calls.


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