On Dec 6, 2007 7:26 PM, Shiva Subramanian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> hi there,
>   recently I turned on the SSL_PROTOCOL & SSL_CIPHER on one of our
> web server to gather some statistics on the SSL protocol & ciphers
> being used.
>   most of the entries have SSLv3, TLSv1, some SSLv2s here and there
> and then there are these entries with only a "-" & "-" in place where
> the SSL_PROTOCOL & SSL_CIPHER should be.
> for eg:
> XX.XX.83.98 - - [XX/XX/2007:13:31:27 -0500] SSLv3 RC4-MD5  "GET XX
> HTTP/1.0" 404 363 "XX" "XX"
> XX.XX.83.98 - - [XX/XX/2007:13:31:51 -0500] - -  "GET /" 400 596 "-" "-"
> XX.XX.83.98 - - [XX/XX/2007:13:32:21 -0500] - -  "GET /" 400 596 "-" "-"
>   my question is what does the "-" & "-" represent in the
> SSL_PROTOCOL & SSL_CIPHER fields respectively.

The hypen just represents a null variable. In this case, no SSL session was

The request in the above example returned status code 400 for Bad Request.
You can reproduce it by issuing a plain HTTP "GET /" to an HTTPS host.


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