in ssl_engine_vars, there seems to be a problem to me concerning the UID field.
The syntax for the field is a bitstring and not a "text".

static const struct {
   char *name;
   int   nid;
} ssl_var_lookup_ssl_cert_dn_rec[] = {
   { "C",     NID_countryName            },
   { "ST",    NID_stateOrProvinceName    }, /* officially    (RFC2156) */
   { "SP",    NID_stateOrProvinceName    }, /* compatibility (SSLeay)  */
   { "L",     NID_localityName           },
   { "O",     NID_organizationName       },
   { "OU",    NID_organizationalUnitName },
   { "CN",    NID_commonName             },
   { "T",     NID_title                  },
   { "I",     NID_initials               },
   { "G",     NID_givenName              },
   { "S",     NID_surname                },
   { "D",     NID_description            },
#if SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION >= 0x00907000
   { "UID",   NID_x500UniqueIdentifier   },
   { "UID",   NID_uniqueIdentifier       },
   { "Email", NID_pkcs9_emailAddress     },
   { NULL,    0                          }


*Edel/W/eb*     Peter SYLVESTER
Consultant Sécurité des Systèmes d'Information
EdelWeb - Groupe ON-X
15, quai de Dion-Bouton
F-92816 Puteaux Cedex
Tel : + / Fax : + <> / <>
To verify the message signature, see <> Cela vous permet de charger le certificat de l'autorité de racine <>;
die Liste mit zurückgerufenen Zertifikaten finden Sie da auch.

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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