> I consume web services from an outside-of-my-firewall SSL server that requires
> clients to be SSL-authenticated (clients must pre-register).  My application
> server resides inside of my firewall.  I would like to access the
> aforementioned web services through a proxy in order to not expose my internal
> server hostname to the outside world.  I have tried to setup my SSL connection
> (e.g., using my client certificate, trusting the web service provider) from
> within my internal application server w/ the client certificate generated for
> the proxy (as opposed to the hidden application) server but the SSL server
> would not fall for it.
> Assuming that my initial approach is not possible, I would like to use an
> apache http server as my proxy-server/SSL-client.  My goal is to keep this
> apache server thin (i.e., only configuration, no extra java code).  Is there a
> way to configure mod_proxy and (specially) mod_ssl to do this very thing?
> HereĀ¹s my proxy.conf template:
> ProxyRequests On
> <Proxy *>
>    Order deny,allow
>     Deny from all
>     Allow from internal_ip_address
> </Proxy>
> Cheers,
> John.

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