: Where must I indicate that this module have a dependency? 

You have to indicate it in your Makefile.PL. Here is an example of a

    NAME        => 'Class::PObject',
    VERSION_FROM=> 'PObject.pm',
    PREREQ_PM   => {
            'Storable'      => 0,
            'IO::Dir'       => 0,
            'Test::More'    => 0,
            'Log::Agent'    => 0,
        'File::Spec'    => 0,
        'File::Path'    => 0,
        'File::Basename'=> 0
    ABSTRACT    => "Simple framework for programming persistent objects",
    AUTHOR      => "Sherzod B. Ruzmetov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"

Note, how it's defining list and min. versions of dependencies

Sherzod Ruzmetov

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