Title: RE: Spreadsheet::Perl (was New User)

> > What about 'B1:B*' 'B*:B10' 'B*:B*' ?

and what about 'A1:*10' or 'A*:**' or....

> '*' might be ambiguous.  Does it mean infinity? Does it mean the last
> defined value in the column? 

I would say this is correct. Basically like pressing ctrl-cursor in excel on a given row or column.

> I don't know if Excel supports such functionality (I've looked before.)

In VBA it does for sure.

> (I also just noticed the method names are the of the
> style GetFormulaText rather than of the more Perlish
> get_formula_text.)

Which might be useful for VB types, but probably not real exciting for Perl types (for whom this is intended I would have thought).

> Of course, there's a variety of ways that might achive a
> workable syntax
> for that--tied variables, OO, source filtering, tricks with operator
> overloading, callback functions, or writing a full parser/interpreter.

OO and operator overloading sounds to me the way to go.

But im just kibitzing while eating a schoko-croissant. :-)


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