David Manura wrote:
Hi Ruslan,

Do you have a link? or some POD documentation?

I realy realy sorry, I've forgot to attach file :(
Was tired a lot.

Ruslan U. Zakirov wrote:

I'm planning to do my first CPAN upload.
I realy need some feedback.

    1) Module is very simple, but I like it and use it.
    2) I didn't find any similar on CPAN.

1) I'm not native English speaker, so I want some feedback about Name.
2) Code, coding style, and so.
3) Something like: fooooo..., useless, suxxx is OK, but with reasons :)

My ideas:
1) May be it's better to prefix with _ all funcs which have AUTOLOAD magic? There is many such methods in module so it's hard to inherit this object.

Best regards. Ruslan.

Beforehead thanks.

package Class::MultiList;

use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;

our $VERSION = '0.1';


sub new
        my $proto = shift;
        my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
        my $self  = {};
        bless ($self, $class);
        return $self;

sub InitList
        my $self = shift;
        my $args = {
                Name => undef,
        die 'Where Name?' unless ($args->{'Name'});
        $self->{'Lists'}->{ $args->{'Name'} } = {
                List => [],
                Current => undef,
                Counter => 0,
                Hash => {},

        my $self = shift;

        my @avail = qw(Count First Current Last Next Prev Push Pop Unshift Shift);
        my $re = join('|', @avail);
        my ($func, $list) = ($AUTOLOAD =~ /^.*::($re)(.*)$/);

        unless ( $func ) {
                my ($package, $filename, $line) = caller;
                die "$AUTOLOAD Unimplemented in $package. ($filename line $line) \n";

        unless ( $self->Exists( List => $list ) ) {
                die "List $list not exists";

        no strict qw(refs);

        *{$AUTOLOAD} = sub { return ( $self->$func( List => $list, @_ ) ) };
        return ( $self->$func( List => $list, @_ ) );

sub Exists
        my $self = shift;
        my $args = {
                List => undef,
        return exists($self->{'Lists'}->{ $args->{'List'} });

sub Names
        my $self = shift;
        return keys %{$self->{'Lists'}};

sub First
        my $self = shift;
        my $args = {
                List => undef,
        my $list = $self->__GetList( $args->{'List'} );

        $list->{'Current'} = 0;
        return $self->Current( List => $args->{'List'} );

sub Current
        my $self = shift;
        my $args = {
                List => undef,
        my $list = $self->__GetList( $args->{'List'} );

        return $list->{'List'}->{ $list->{'Current'} };

sub Last
        my $self = shift;
        my $args = {
                List => undef,
        my $list = $self->__GetList( $args->{'List'} );

        $list->{'Current'} = $self->Count( List => $args->{'List'} );
        return $self->Current( List => $args->{'List'} );

sub Next
        my $self = shift;
        my $args = {
                List => undef,
        my $list = $self->__GetList( $args->{'List'} );


        return $self->Current( List => $args->{'List'} )
                if( $list->{'Counter'} < $self->Count( List => $args->{'List'} ) );

        $list->{'Counter'} = undef;
        return undef;

sub Prev
        my $self = shift;
        my $args = {
                List => undef,
        my $list = $self->__GetList( $args->{'List'} );


        return $self->Current( List => $args->{'List'} )
                if( $list->{'Counter'} >= 0 );

        $list->{'Counter'} = undef;
        return undef;

sub Count
        my $self = shift;
        my $args = {
                List => undef,
        my $list = $self->__GetList( $args->{'List'} );

        return $list->{'Counter'};

sub Push
        my $self = shift;
        my $args = {
                List => undef,
                Element => undef,
                Mark => undef,
        my $list = $self->__GetList( $args->{'List'} );
        if ( $args->{'Mark'} ) {
                die 'Mark already exists' if (exists $list->{'Hash'}->{ 
$args->{'Mark'} });
                $list->{'Hash'}->{ $args->{'Mark'} } = $list->{'Counter'};
        push( @{$list->{'List'}}, $args->{'Element'} );


sub Pop
        my $self = shift;
        my $args = {
                List => undef,
        my $list = $self->__GetList( $args->{'List'} );
        $list->{'Current'} = undef if ( $list->{'Current'} == $list->{'Counter'} );

# check for mark, candidate for optimizing
        foreach my $mark ( keys %{$list->{'Hash'}} ) {
                next unless ( $list->{'Hash'}->{ $mark } != $list->{'Counter'} );
                delete  $list->{'Hash'}->{ $mark };

        return pop( @{$list->{'List'}} );

sub Unshift
        my $self = shift;
        my $args = {
                List => undef,
                Element => undef,
                Mark => undef,
        my $list = $self->__GetList( $args->{'List'} );
        if ( $args->{'Mark'} ) {
                die 'Mark already exists' if (exists $list->{'Hash'}->{ 
$args->{'Mark'} });
                $list->{'Hash'}->{ $args->{'Mark'} } = 0;
        $list->{'Current'} = 1 if ( $list->{'Current'} == 0 );
        unshift( @{$list->{'List'}}, $args->{'Element'} );


sub Shift
        my $self = shift;
        my $args = {
                List => undef,
        my $list = $self->__GetList( $args->{'List'} );
        $list->{'Current'} = undef if ( $list->{'Current'} == 0 );

# check for mark, candidate for optimizing
        foreach my $mark ( keys %{$list->{'Hash'}} ) {
                next unless ( $list->{'Hash'}->{ $mark } != $list->{'Counter'} );
                delete  $list->{'Hash'}->{ $mark };

        return shift( @{$list->{'List'}} );

sub __GetList
        my ($self, $name)= @_;

        die "List $name not exists"
                unless $self->Exists( List => $name );
        return $self->{'Lists'}->{ $name };


=head1 NAME

Class::MultiList - Simple OO arrays container


  use Class::MultiList;

  my $ML = new Class::MultiList;
  $ML->InitList( Name => 'Child' );
  $ML->PushChild( 666 );
  $ML->PushChild( 'Just string' );
  $ML->PushChild( $obj );

  while ( $el->NextChild ) {

  $ML->InitList( Name => 'Sibling' );


This module represents C<Class::MultiList> class. Objects of
this class allow handle different lists(arrays) in one instance
with separated namespaces.

This module also provide AUTOLOAD magic which allow to use
dinamic methods like MethodListname.

=head1 METHODS

It's TODO somewhere somwhow sometime

=head1 TODO


=item *

Implement marks interface ala hash aliases for elements

=item * 

Implement structures clonning via C<Clone::Any>

=item * 

Write test suit

=item * 

Fix documentation errors


=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 AUTHOR

Ruslan U. Zakirov, E<lt>[EMAIL PROTECTED]<gt>


Copyright 2004 by Ruslan U. Zakirov

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself. 


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