Hi folks,

I just realized that I haven't registered a couple of the namespaces I've
been using. I'd like some feedback on the following:

  FileHandle::Unget : An extension to FileHandle that supports put-back of
  multiple bytes (Perl's implementation only promises support for 1 byte)

  Mail::Mbox::MessageParser : A fast mbox format message box parser. It's
  the underlying implementation module for Tassilo Von Parseval's
  Mail::MboxParser module and my grepmail script (and maybe someday Mark
  Overmeer's Mail::Box)

  grepmail : "grep" program for mailboxes. Currently only supports mbox

Not sure about the last one. Do/can we register namespaces for scripts?


David Coppit                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The College of William and Mary        http://coppit.org/

When we understand the meaning of the term "Engineering", we won't offer
one-term courses entitled "Software Engineering" -- David L. Parnas

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