On Fri, Apr 30, 2004 at 04:47:49PM -0200, Gabor Szabo wrote:
> I am looking for a module that can be used as part of a web based
> application which requires management of a (partial) file system.
> If there is no such module I wonder if it would be interesting to add
> to CPAN ?
> In our current state operations required are
> - upload new file (with a customised hook to validate it before [1])
> - download file
> - rename
> - delete
> - merge two files (in a customised way so that will probably require
>   some hook or sub classing the module. [1])
> - edit file (in a customised way so this requires a hook too [1])
> [1] We are dealing with XML files so we'll have to edit those in some
> way that makes it simple for the user.
> I saw Apache::FileManager but that is mod_perl dependent and this
> application should not be.
> For uploading a file I could use CGI::Upload.
> So my questions are:
> - Is there such a module that someone could recommend ?
> - If there is no such module would a generic FileManager module using
>   CGI  be interesting on CPAN ?
> - What name ?  CGI::FileManager ?
> - What else should such a module include ?
> Gabor

Though it's somewhat of a distant memory to me now, I actually wrote
something like this a few years ago.  I vaguely remember looking at
Apache::FileManager and finding it illsuited for my requirements, so I
wrote something from scratch that was designed to integrate into an
Apache::ASP framework.  FWIW, my system included versioning with RCS,
which I thought was pretty k3wl.  For one existing example of a type
of browser-based file manager, you might look at Lincoln Stein's
Apache::MP3.  I know of no others to recommend you explore.  If you
can create something generic, reusable and extensible, I would by +1
for having it on CPAN.  "CGI::FileManager" is a fine name, but sounds
very Windows 3.1 to me.  How about "CGI::FileBrowser" or
"CGI::FileFinder"?  I will say from experience that this is a pretty
big undertaking, even more so if your hope is to release something
generic to CPAN.  But don't let that stop you from trying!


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