On Thu, 24 Jun 2004, Mark Stosberg wrote:

> > HTML::DragDrop::Javascript
> > HTML::DragAndDrop::Javascript
> Is there a way to implement Drag and Drop with HTML /without/ using
> JavaScript? I suspect not. Thus, I think it could be appropriate to drop
> 'Javascript' from the name
> > HTML::DragDrop
> > HTML::DragAndDrop

My vote is for "HTML::DragAndDrop".

Saving three characters is typing isn't worth the possible ambiguity in
the title.  I haven't seen the interface, but I'm guessing I only need to
specify the module namespace once during with the "use" command.

Also, I'm 90% sure there's no other method (besides JavaScript) to
implement D&D.  If some guy down the road manages to do it in
VBScript, he can always register Html::DragAndDrop::VBScript".

On another note, this sounds pretty cool.  I'll have to look at this
module once it's uploaded.

Christopher Josephes

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