# The following was supposedly scribed by
# Randy W. Sims
# on Thursday 24 June 2004 10:40 pm:

>You'll want
>to subclass Pod::Text, override the proper method to add a new escape
>sequence (say $<variable_name>), then maybe override the constructor to
>take a hash with the values for the variables or possibly something more
>elaborate like evaling the variable name in the caller's context.

Yes.  The trouble is that I don't want to have to manually re-generate the 
pods in any way, so I'll need a modified perldoc.  (If you haven't chastised 
me for it before, I'm the guy who makes changes to the code directly on the 
production system:)

My concept is that the script does something like 'use Pod::Dynamic' and 
builds some pod sections (or defines some variables) by running up to some 
point when $Pod::Dynamic::pod_mode is true.  This means that 'dynperldoc' can 
simply do() the file and have some variables defined for use in generating 
the fully-formed pod.

So, if the variables are changed to some other defaults, both 'dynperldoc 
<script>' and '<script> --help' show the same values without having to 
manually regenerate anything.

>I've done similary on several occasions and it is fairly trivial. If you
>have trouble, I can probably dig up an example.

I may take you up on that.  CPAN's results for 'dynamic pod' are depressing.

"Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse."
                                        --Murphy's Corollary

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