"Randy W. Sims" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> wrote:
> Hmm, we have:
> 1) Simon's code review ladder:
> <http://lists.netthink.co.uk/listinfo/code-review-ladder>
Seems rather dead to me. A very interresting link anyhow. Let's see if we
can get more life there

> 2) Ask's CPAN Ratings: <http://cpanratings.perl.org/>
We had a long discussion about this. As long the rating are not more visible
and people are not "actively" ask to rate, there will be no real effect
which is a pity because it's also a very good idea.

> 3) Perl Monks' Reviews: <http://www.perlmonks.org/index.pl?node=Reviews>
That did work so well. Maybe I should have done it in another way but I've
done my best. I can't seriously review my own modules (remember it's the
only vonlontary review module so far) or it will be no better than module
authors that rate their own modules.

> Each has a slightly different focus, but there is some overlap. A part
> of me wonders if they should be at least loosely linked together instead
> of remaining 3 independant but related review tools for authors & users;
> maybe one review site with two faces, one to help module users find
> modules and the other to help module authors improve their modules.

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