On Fri, 23 Jul 2004, Gabor Szabo wrote:
Do we really need reviews ?

Short of some better sort of solution for helping guide people to the better choices of modules.

I am afraid not many people will take the time to do a deep analyzis of a module.

It doesn't take many people to provide a statistically large enough sample to be useful in helping perl newbies avoid the modules that somebody cooked up five years ago and hasn't updated since.

What about a web based discussion board that is module specific ? Easy to search, categorized by modules, easy to post - no need to subscribe to a zillion mailing lists.

That'd be useful. A lot of modules might form little communities to save them from author neglect if they could find each other. So many modules have no mailing list and the author never responds. Now I don't blame the author for not responding, but without some central place for people to congregate and trade patches thing die on the vine that wouldn't have to.


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