On Aug 27, 2004, at 9:19 AM, Mark Stosberg wrote:

On Fri, Aug 27, 2004 at 09:52:16AM -0400, John Siracusa wrote:
If module A uses module B, but module B also uses module A, what do I put in
PREREQ_PM? Will the CPAN shell be able to handle a circular dependency?

As I understand, module A is downloaded before it is unpacked to discover that it depends on module B. So even if B depends on A, you already have A, so it's not a problem.

Unfortunately it doesn't work. Try updating File::Spec or Cwd (which depend on each other) via the CPAN shell and you'll see what I mean - even though it's not strictly a circular dependency, and one end is already satisfied (File::Spec is a core module, and Cwd depends on any version of File::Spec), the CPAN shell dies with an error message about a circular dependency.

For this reason, I'm planning to roll File::Spec and Cwd into a single distribution.


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