Hello everyone.

I just subscribed to this list, I just recently received my PAUSE account, and I just finished writing/documenting/testing the first perl module that I've written for CPAN. I'd like to know what is considered a good set of practices for new modules with regards to:

1) naming
2) requesting feedback on design/implementation
3) announcing the module
4) informing authors of similar modules

In this case, the I've already named the module Parallel::Simple, but I imagine things would be trickier if I want to call it IO:: something or create a new top-level namespace.

Here's the module, if anyone is interested:


I've already sent copies to my local perl mongers group and posted it on comp.lang.perl.modules, and I've gotten a little bit of feedback on it. I'm comfortable with the design as it stands right now, and only need write some formal tests before it will be ready for its first upload.


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