As someone pointed out on the ActiveState list, TieRegistry
may not be very robust for dealing with registry objects.

There are cases where TieRegistry cannot access values
under keys with "weird" names -- valid win32 Registry
names, but names that have binary (Unicode) characters
in them.  It seems TieRegistry doesn't handle these
cases reliably.

I haven't rewritten my program using the old Win32::Registry
package, but if I do (pain in the "posterior" interface that
it is...), it may be that we should *deprecate* TieRegistry
in favor of the more native Registry interface (Ug).
At the very least, it should be noted in the documentation
that it may not be reliable for working with some registry
keys (hey, it enumerated my entire "Classes" key just fine).

As it is, TieRegistry certainly seems to have problems
reliably accessing values under keynames where the keynames
are not ascii strings.  I tried adding the "use UTF8" to
see if it would get around the problem, but when I
write out registry dumps of the keys, and read them with
a multi-byte supporting editor (gvim), I get different
strings where the binary is, indicating that something
in the registry export feature doesn't quite translate
the keynames the same under UCS-16 v. UTF-8.  :-(


Linda W wrote:

I decided to temporarily give up on the cygwin version of
TieRegistry just to make some progress.

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