On Fri, Mar 24, 2006 at 04:54:05PM +0100, Enrico Sorcinelli wrote:
> Hi all,
> I just realized Data::FormValidator::Filters::HTMLScrubber, a simple
> DFV filter that allows to scrub/sanitize html in form field values.
> I've attached a temporary POD at the end of the message.
> I searched on CPAN and I've not found any similar module (the reason
> why I wrote it). Also I searched over Data::FormVAlidator mailing list
> archives with same result.
> Since I would put it on CPAN, any suggestions about the module and/or
> namespace are welcome.

>       use Data::FormValidator::Filters::HTMLScrubber qw(html_scrub);
>       # Data::FormValidator Profile:
>       my $dfv_profile = {
>          required => [ qw/foo bar/ ],
>          field_filters => {
>             foo => [ 'trim', html_scrub( allow => [qw/b i em strong/] ) ]
>          }
>       };

I like the API and as the Data::FormValidator maintainer, I welcome this
addition to the Data::FormValidator name space. I suspect I'll use this
contribution myself!


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