I am working on my first CPAN-worthy module and would like your input.

From the pod:

=head1 NAME

WWW::Arbeitsagentur - Search for jobs via arbeitsagentur.de


 # example for using the quick-search module:

 use WWW::Arbeitsagentur::Search::FastSearchForWork;
 my $search = WWW::Arbeitsagentur::Search::FastSearchForWork->new(
        path            => "download/",
        # where to save the job descriptions
        job_typ         => 1,
        # search for a normal job (instead of temp/contract work etc.)
        plz_filter      => qr/.+/,      
        # only save jobs whose postal code matches this regex
        beruf           => 'Fachinformatiker/in - Anwendungsentwicklung',
         # job title

 my $result_count = $search->search();

WWW::Arbeitsagentur and its submodules provide access to the search engine 
of the federal job agency of Germany. You may search either for jobs or 
applicants. Search results are collected and may be filtered and stored 
temporarily for offline-use. 

# ...


1. Namespace
The module offers an interface to the search engine of the web site 
arbeitsagentur.de, so I think it will fit into the WWW-category. It offers 
more than just features to search for jobs (eg, send messages to 
applicants), so WWW::Search::* would be too limited.
WWW::Arbeitsagentur would match other modules which offer a perl interface 
to a website's functions.

2. Why?
This module allows users to access the largest german job search engine 
with a simple perl script instead of navigating through the cumbersome web 
interface (which even prevents users from navigating via the browser's 
back button...). 
It uses WWW::Mechanize to automate stuff like searching for jobs or 
applicants, filtering the results (so you will only see new job offers 
instead of having to walk through the complete result set anew each day) 
and messaging applicants.

Thanks for you input,


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