----- Original Message ----
From: Jonathan Rockway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: James E Keenan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: module-authors@perl.org; Ovid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2006 12:50:47 AM
> Subject: Re: Give up your modules!
> Is there software that needs to be written?  I could write a small
> Catalyst application to handle this, if someone is willing to host it.

I suspect this isn't what you were talking about, but we could also assign 
weights to various components:

1.  The number of bug reports and their severity.
2.  Number of days since last release.
3.  The number of CPAN tester reports (total, separating test failures is 
useless since those are mostly a waste of time)
4.  The number of other modules which have a dependency on the current module.

Multiply each number by its weight and sum them. Skip if no bugs are in RT (or 
multiply the first result by the next 3?)

Thus, a module with a severe bug but no tester reports and no other modules 
requiring it would probably not show up.  A module with 3 severe bugs, hasn't 
been updated in 7 months, has over 50 CPAN tester reports and is widely used as 
a dependency is going to shoot near the top of the list.

> > 3.  (And this is the delicate part ...)  A way to encourage
> > authors/maintainers whose code needs transfer to a new maintainer to
> > effect that.

The scheme I mention above might help.  It also might get a lynch mob showing 
up at my door.

> Nothing wrong with a good-old-fashion hostile fork now and again :)  But
> hopefully we can avoid that.

I'd almost be inclined to have takeovers than forks, but I suspect I'll be 
universally shouted down over that one.  If module authors are unwilling to fix 
bugs in critical proojects and not allow comaintainers, the poor end-user is 
stuck.  When working on large projects, it's usually far easier to get approval 
to upgrade a module than to change it (not to mention the fact that the work is 
easier, too).

I completely realize that maintaining a lot of CPAN modules can be difficult at 
times.  We have up times where we get a lot of stuff done and down times where 
we need to relax.  That's OK.  But not giving users a way out when they 
encounter problems just isn't fair.  Why are we clinging to those modules if 
we're not going to fix them?  More than once places I've worked at have vetoed 
modules because they do everything we want, just the way we want it, but the 
bugs kill us and the author is unresponsive.  Then we have to find an 
alternative or make one.


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