On 12 Jan 2007, at 14:07, Andy Lester wrote:
On Jan 12, 2007, at 4:49 AM, Andy Armstrong wrote:

I was also wondering whether - given that backpan exists so people can always find them if they really want them - there shouldn't be a mechanism for removing modules that are unloved and unused.

How in the world could you determine either unloved or unused? And unupdated certainly doesn't mean that they're not valuable.

Yes, I appreciate that. I guess what might work would be to indentify modules that don't seem to have any activity around them and then audit those to work out which ones are deceased and which merely stable.

I've certainly encountered more than one module that just plain doesn't work. I guess things like that are the thin end of the wedge but it'd be nice to have a feel for how common a problem it is.

I'm running cpan and backpan mirrors so conveniently I have a snapshot of the whole of CPAN. When I get a moment I'll have a play to see if I can come up with a sensible process for identifying modules that might be dead.

Andy Armstrong, hexten.net

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