Nik Clayton wrote:


I finally managed to work on this problem a bit this weekend.

Finally, the repo dump will also contain some svm:* properties. These should probably be removed too, for completeness sake. A property definition in the dump file looks like:

  K \d+
  V \d+


  K 10
  V 3

Keyword/value pairs, with the trailing digits indicating the string length, not including the terminating '\n'. Again, you'll need to write a filter that can strip these out.

Turns out you can't do this in straight Perl. If you, you wind up with stanzas that look like

Prop-content-length: 98
Content-length: 98


and I suspect that will cause indigestion later on. Rather than fiddle around with calculating content lengths myself, or try and drop the entire stanza since there's nothing left, it looks like SVN::Dump will have me writing much less make-work code.


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