* brian d foy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-03-04T12:09:26]
> I'm not talking about the particular field name, but the idea that I'd
> want to say in META.yml "Don't send me mail", or whatever setting I
> want.
> Instead of having to disable (or enable) CC for every new tool, I'd
> want a setting that new tools could look at without me having to change
> the META.yml in all of my distributions then re-uploading them all.

So, for some subset of META.yml settings, you could consult the module's author
settings, found at (say) $MIRROR/authors/.../RJBS/METAMETA.yml

That would be on your local mirror, be it minicpan or CPAN-over-HTTP.

Something like that?  I feel a potentially irrational sense of dread.


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