On 4/17/07, Eric Wilhelm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
# from Paul LeoNerd Evans
# on Tuesday 17 April 2007 02:14 am:

>I ran into similar issues; I've discussed them earlier on this list.


  # from David Golden on Sunday 11 March 2007 05:43 am:
  >This bug is the result of CPANPLUS trying to be clever and "falling
  >back" to generating a Makefile.PL from a Build.PL.

My thinking was that exposing the bug where it lives is probably a
better long-term approach.

>The suggestion people made was to have M::B produce a
> 'traditional'-style makefile as well. So at least M::B-deprived
> systems might have a good go.

My problem with the create_makefile_pl => 'traditional' is that it
doesn't install Module::Build, so we're not making any progress.  If
you have a custom build subclass, you might as well put a die in

The passthrough seems much more sane because it actually installs
Module::Build, yet nobody seems to encourage its use.  Why?

The passthrough, IIRC, usually broke stuff. It might be better now
that M::B has had another year of bugs shaking out.

The problem with having a Makefile.PL that dies is now you've
presented an interface that can't be queried against. Consider this
like duck typing - your distribution ->can( 'Makefile' ) but when you
call the method it dies. That's reasonable if your distribution can
actually use a Makefile. When it can't, its just making the job of
toolchains harder.

At least with an absent Makefile.PL, its possible to look at a
distribution and sanely conclude that there's no Makefile.PL. Or do
you wish for a protocol for fake Makefile.PL files to communicate to
toolchains that "Ooops! No, don't use me!"?

This comes because you want nicer data from CPAN smokers, right? I
already get dumb failures where the smoker registered the fact that my
modules don't pass tests when the prerequisites aren't installed.
"Amazing." That's better fixed with a note to the person running the
smoker than a fix to the CPAN distribution.


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