On Sat, 2008-05-04 at 09:41 -0700, Eric Wilhelm wrote:
> # from Guy Hulbert
> # on Saturday 05 April 2008 07:35:
> >My solution (new modules):
> > 2. A small change to the PAUSE upload interface adding some optional
> > fields which add appropriate meta-data to CPAN.
> Why add these to an interface instead of META.yml?

No particular reason.  I've seen arguments for and against META.yml in
various contexts ...

> I use an automatic upload tool.  I'm not going to see any changes in the 
> PAUSE interface and I don't want the tool prompting me for metadata 

... well, I didn't know that ...

> which belongs in META.yml.

... it was to be optional ... you'd get whatever the default was.  A
reviewer could put it in later (under Shlomi's scheme).

> --Eric

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