* Gabor Szabo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008-06-04T04:50:51]
> - Each distro should have a META.yml and a license field in it for machines to
>   check the license. (this one is probably not a legal requirement but it will
>   help the various automated tools)

The license field in the META.yml is insufficiently specific.  It has no way of
declaring what version of a license is in use.

> Software::LicenseUtils http://search.cpan.org/dist/Software-License/
>   lists the full text of some of the licenses.
>   Maybe it is enough to make your distro dependent on Software::License
>   and say the license is the specific version of that module?

Your distro doesn't even need to require it.  It would be enough if some tool
knew how to resolve  "license: Software::License::GPL_3"

> when using Software::LicenseUtils 0.003 to check the license of
> Module::CPANTS::Analyse 0.81 - the code of CPANTS - it did not find the
> license.  I think this happened because SLU is checking some wording and MCA
> had a different wording of the same intention.

Yeah, it's a real hack.


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