On Wed, Sep 03, 2008 at 12:29:01AM -0700, Eric Wilhelm wrote:
>   package Carp::NoSigDie;
>   use warnings;  use strict;  use Carp ();
>   use overload '&{}' => sub {sub {}}, fallback => 1;
>   $SIG{__DIE__} = bless({}, __PACKAGE__);
>   my $ended = 0; END {$ended = 1};
>   sub DESTROY { return if($ended); Carp::carp("bad bunny"); exit(1); }
>   1;
> Thoughts?

        From the code, I would have no idea what this does without a fair
bit of perldoc-ing. How about some comments? bad bunny?

        Well, you asked.


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