Chris Dolan schreef:
> Dr.Ruud:
>> Gabor Szabo:

>>> I guess we can implement everything with fork but I think -
>>> maybe because of my lack of experience in threads - that it will
>>> be better to use them than to fork.
>> I think it was Randal Schwartz who said something like: If the answer
>> involves threads, then the question was wrong.
> Most likely that quote comes from a year when multi-processor systems
> were not ubiquitous.

I remember it in a context of choosing between forks and threads.

> Every UI framework I've ever used was indeed written with a single-
> threaded event loop, but even in an editor it sure is handy to have
> background threads to do asynchronous work (syntax checking,
> rebuilding call graphs, Perl::Critic, etc) without having to
> explicitly chunk the work or coordinate multiple processes.

C<use forks;>

Affijn, Ruud

"Gewoon is een tijger."

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