>> 1. Berkeley Yacc for Perl - works pretty well, but is kinda limited.

I'm not sure what (if any) practical advantage this would have over bison. I get the sense it's less well maintained.

>> 2. Parse::RecDescent - very impressive feature set, but a little slow, and has >> been under-maintained (though it seemed to have improved slightly with several
>> new releases in 2009). It also tends to be hard to debug its errors.

I tried this. Works ok, two or three orders of magnitude slower than bison/C for me. Debugging tools are pretty good. Docs are pretty good.

>> 3. Parse::Yapp - http://search.cpan.org/dist/Parse-Yapp/ - I tried to use it >> in https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/web-cpan/Text-Qantor/ but it gives me
>> an error for what appears to be a valid syntax, and for the life of me I
>> cannot understand why it is.

For people who aren't experts in the field most of the grammar errors are completely inscrutable for all of these tools, even after reading the docs. Start with something simple and make it more complex until it stops working, then try phrasing it differently. Well, works for me. I haven't tried this specific tool.

>> 4. There's a new version of GNU bison with support for multiple language
>> backends. I tried writing a backend for Perl 5, but I gave up on the m4
>> hacking (I think that m4 must die!).

Bison is fast and relatively simple. I'm not sure about using it directly from perl, but I wrote a C++ program to parse router configs and spit out Data::Dumper() style perl struct output. Very fast. _Relatively_ easy to add in exceptions for poorly behaved grammar. You should be able to use this directly via XS or Inline if you care about more direct integration. bison + c/c++ + valgrind works pretty well to make a well behaved parser (w/out valgrind I always leak a bunch of memory when writing in more uh.. "hands on" languages).

I did look at yacc but bison has more features. Also bison is consistent across platforms.

>> 5. There's also ANTLR - http://www.antlr.org/ :
>> http://www.antlr.org/wiki/display/ANTLR3/Code+Generation+Targets says:
>> Perl - Early prototyping.  Simple lexer is working.

I have used the python version of antlr. I found it to be more difficult than bison/C (steeper learning curve), and maybe one or two order of magnitude slower than bison/C.

The author and the users seem very competent, but if you are like me and just want to get some parsing done this may be more effort than it's worth.

Cross language support is excellent between java/python, not sure about perl. If you are trying to create an AST it will probably work fine. Beyond that... ?

If you are writing your own grammar this is a really powerful tool. If you are stuck trying to parse someone else's jive it may not be as useful.

Error messages for the user when something isn't parsable are also fairly inscrutable, imo.

6. Can I interact with the Parrot Grammar Engine (PGE)? Any input would be

If you look at the parrot stuff I would be interested to hear how well that work for you.

There's also the 'roll your own' approach. That's pretty fast and less difficult than you might expect. Also depending on what you are parsing, if a grammar is poorly behaved (possibly because the !...@!@ing vendor decides to be retarded instead of consistent) it can be brutal to try to add weird exceptions in a format any of the above tools will recognize happily.

Another advantage is that when you write your own parser it's easier to figure out what happens and what to do when you get something unexpected.

Knowing what I know now I would tend to opt for bison/C or roll your own, depending on how speed critical your app is. If I was writing my own language maybe antlr.

If you would like examples for any of the above I'd be happy to share, please email me off-list.


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