Gabor Szabo wrote:
> Hi,
> For a long time I have not touched the CPAN::Forum web site but as a
> new years resolution I started to work on it again.
> So far most of the changes were internal
> - switched to new server
> - switched to PostgreSQL
> - moved to mod_perl
> - e-mails are sent in asynchronous mode
> All this made the web site a lot faster
> Also
> - the templating system was switched to Template::Toolkit
> - the version control to git
> - many tests were added
> Some more cleanup and I can start to add features.
> I'll have some time in the coming 2-3 months to improve the
> forum and provide a much better platform to support the module authors.
> So here is the reason I am writing.
> I'd like to ask the module authors to
> 1) Check if there are unanswered questions related to your modules and
> try to answer them
> 2) Let me know what are the features that might help you the most?
> You can see all the post regarding all the distributions you uploaded
> to CPAN. e.g. for me this is the link:
> thanks
>    Gabor

Your email prompted me to look at the forums for the modules I maintain
and contribute to. Interestingly they all go to except DBD::ODBC which goes to I presume that is because I added:


to the META.yml file in DBD::ODBC. I had not realised it changed the
forum on cpan - perhaps others might not either. I'm now not sure if I
prefer it that way or not. There are a lot more people on the dbi-users
and dbi-dev lists than subscribed to the DBD::ODBC cpan forum but then
you have to subscribe separately to those.

Martin J. Evans
Easysoft Limited

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