On Sun, 4 Apr 2010, David Nicol wrote:

so the requirements for the Solution To The Problem Which Solves A
More General Problem Than The Immediate Problem And Will Therefore
Make Whoever Sets It Up A Hero include a replacement for the current
mirroring technology stack that is tailored to mirroring distributions
possibly including on-demand caching and expiration and that is
trivial to install -- something like

 perl -MCPAN -e 'install STTPWSAMGPTTIPAWTMWSIUAH::Mirrorsuite'
 nohup nice nice perl -MSTTPWSAMGPTTIPAWTMWSIUAH::Mirrorsuite -e
'mirror cpan.org .' &

Gee, kind of looks like your tongue got superglued to your cheek.  You're
mischaracterizing the problem.  The immediate problem *is* the I/O load
caused by synchronizing mirrors with rsync, *not* supporting CPAN clients,
right?  If you have data indicating something different, then please provide
it so we can all get educated.

Regardless, it should be that easy to install, but it should also install a
script into bin/ to make ye ole cron job just as succinct as what's
currently being used with rsync.

        --Arthur Corliss
          Live Free or Die

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