Also, I've started to see the proliferation of modules in the App::* namespace... Maybe you can release the "supporting" code as modules and the script as an App::* module?

i.e. Net::CircleIRC as the main module, and App::CircleIRC as the script?

Again, there is no barrier to entry to CPAN, so please feel free to upload your apps! :)

David Nicol wrote:
Someone please correct me im I'm wrong.

Once upon a time, CPAN was supposed to hold applications as well as modules. There were so many more modules than applications that indexing and so on tools for modules entirely eclipsed applications.

With the result that if you want to share an application using CPAN, the best way to do that is to express the application as a module and include an invocation script in the documentation, something like

    nohup perl -MLeoNerd::CircleIRC::app -e 'run' &

On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 1:09 PM, Paul LeoNerd Evans < <>> wrote:

    Rather than a module, what are the thoughts/conventions/things I
    know about, when considering putting an end-user application on CPAN?

    I've now had a number of comments requesting that my Circle IRC/etc..
    application go on CPAN.

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