On 05/24/2010 11:30:24 AM, Shlomi Fish wrote:
> On Monday 24 May 2010 20:02:47 Geoffrey Leach wrote:
> > I'm attempting to diagnose a problem with Audio::TagLib, which is
> > basically a collection of XS interfaces to the taglib library. The
> test
> > script:
> >     use Audio::TagLib;
> >     $id3 = Audio::TagLib::FileRef->new( 't.mp3' );
> > fails with the message:
> >     Can't locate object method "new" via package
> > "Audio::TagLib::FileRef" at MP3test.pl
> > 
> > I've stepped through XSLoader, and it appears to be working
> correctly.
> > The xs binary is installed:
> >     /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.10.0/i386-linux-thread-multi/
> > auto/Audio/TagLib/TagLib.so
> > The .bs is there as well. It's empty. This appears to be correct.
> > nm TagLib.so finds T XS_TagLib__FileRef_new.
> > 
> > I'm using 5.10.0. The dist uses ExtUtils::MakeMaker, and that's up
> to
> > date.
> > 
> > Any suggestions on how to diagnose the problem?
> > 
> According to:
> http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Audio::TagLib::FileRef
> You need to "use Audio::TagLib::FileRef;" - not "Audio::TagLib;"
> alone. So I 
> would try that first.
> Regards,
>       Shlomi Fish


No change, alas.  Thanks for the reply.


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