
I have recently registered on PAUSE and have a module to upload to CPAN; I need some advice on the Name Space to use.

I work with Ethernet switches & routers and I use Perl scripts to automate tasks via the CLI (Command Line Interface). Typically, the CLI of a switch/router can be accessed via any of Telnet, SSH, or Serial console port.

For many years I used Net::Telnet, but more and more customers now use SSH instead. Typically a switch/router will only implement CLI over SSH in an interactive shell, and Net::SSH2 has no capabilities to handle an interactive shell like Net::Telnet does.

So I created my own module which presents a single consistent API and can run over Telnet (using Net::Telnet), SSH (using Net::SSH2) or Serial Coms port (using either Win32::SerialPort or Device::SerialPort); it also provides all the necessary methods to deal with an interactive shell regardless of the underlying connection type. So if I make a script to automate a task, that script can easily work across any of Telnet, SSH, or Serial access.

I have written a general module, which can be used against any device from any vendor and can be re-used to customize the functionality for specific product families; right now I have named it:


Since I work with Avaya Data (ex Nortel Enterprise) switches/routers I also have a customized version which inherits and enhances the Net::CLI functionality just for these products; right now named:


The idea is that me or someone else could extend this for other vendors, e.g. Cisco and others..

Now I read the various perlmodstyle, perlnewmod and pause_namingmodules, and it seems I should not be using the Net namespace... The reason I started off with the above naming is that I expect my module will mostly be used for Telnet/SSH use and most people would start off looking under Net (where Net::Telnet and Net::SSH2 reside).

So, ok, I can change the namespace not to use Net; so how about this instead :


Now however I'd be using top-level namespace, which I understand is also discouraged.
Any advice/suggestions/alternatives are welcome.

I have pasted below the draft synopsis for the 2 Modules I have right now (current naming using Net:: but I can still change that..)

Ludovico Stevens



Net::CLI - Command Line Interface I/O via any of Telnet, SSH or Serial port


Telnet access

        use Net::CLI;
        # Create the object instance for Telnet
        $cli = new Net::CLI('TELNET');
        # Connect to host
        # Perform login
        $cli->login(    Username        => $username,
                        Password        => $password,
        # Send a command and read the resulting output
        $output = $cli->cmd("command");
        print $output;

SSH access

        use Net::CLI;
        # Create the object instance for SSH
        $cli = new Net::CLI('SSH');
        # Connect to host - Note that with SSH,
        #  authentication is part of the connection process
        $cli->connect(  Host            => 'hostname',
                        Username        => $username,
                        Password        => $password,
                        PublicKey       => '.ssh/id_dsa.pub',
                        PrivateKey      => '.ssh/id_dsa',
                        Passphrase      => $passphrase,
        # Send a command and read the resulting output
        $output = $cli->cmd("command");
        print $output;

Serial port access

        use Net::CLI;
        # Create the object instance for Serial port COM1
        $cli = new Net::CLI('COM1');
        # Connect to host
        $cli->connect(  BaudRate        => 9600,
                        Parity          => 'none',
                        DataBits        => 8,
                        StopBits        => 1,
                        Handshake       => 'none',
        # Perform login
        $cli->login(    Username        => $username,
                        Password        => $password,
        # Send a command and read the resulting output
        $output = $cli->cmd("command");
        print $output;



Net::CLI::AvayaData - Interact with CLI (Command Line Interface) of Avaya (ex Nortel Enterprise) Data products over any of Telnet, SSH or Serial port


        use Net::CLI::AvayaData;

Connecting with Telnet

        # Create the object instance for Telnet
        $cli = new Net::CLI::AvayaData('TELNET');
        # Connect to host
        $cli->connect(  Host            => 'hostname',
                        Username        => $username,
                        Password        => $password,

Connecting with SSH - password authentication

        # Create the object instance for SSH
        $cli = new Net::CLI::AvayaData('SSH');
        # Connect to host
        $cli->connect(  Host            => 'hostname',
                        Username        => $username,
                        Password        => $password,

Connecting with SSH - publickey authentication

        # Create the object instance for SSH
        $cli = new Net::CLI::AvayaData('SSH');
        # Connect to host
        $cli->connect(  Host            => 'hostname',
                        PublicKey       => '.ssh/id_dsa.pub',
                        PrivateKey      => '.ssh/id_dsa',
                        Passphrase      => $passphrase,

Connecting via Serial port

        # Create the object instance for Serial port COM1
        $cli = new Net::CLI::AvayaData('COM1');
        # Connect to host
        $cli->connect(  BaudRate        => 9600,
                        Parity          => 'none',
                        DataBits        => 8,
                        StopBits        => 1,
                        Handshake       => 'none',

Sending commands once connected and disconnecting

        $cli->cmd('config terminal');
        $cli->cmd('no banner');
        $config = $cli->cmd('show running-config');
        print $config;

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