On Wed, Jul 07, 2010 at 08:14:56AM -0700, jeffreykegler wrote:
> Offer Kaye points out to me that the URL http://search.cpan.org/dist/Marpa/
> takes him to a very ancient version of my Marpa module:
> Marpa-0.010000.  He expects, as I do, that it would take you to the
> latest version or close to it.  Marpa-0.010000 is many versions and
> months out of date. The latest version is now 
> http://search.cpan.org/~jkegl/Marpa-0.104000/.
> My thought is that the target of  http://search.cpan.org/dist/Marpa/
> is decided by the CPAN infrastructure.  Any ideas as to how I'd go
> about resolving this issue?

I *think* it's because version 0.010000 contains module Marpa::UrHTML
which isn't in 0.104000.  So, as Marpa-0.010000 contains the most recent
version of Marpa::UrHTML, the distribution goes into the CPAN index.
Marpa-0.104000 is *also* in the index because it contains the most
recent version of Marpa.pm.

You can see this in the 02packages file.

Assuming I'm right, you can fix it by deleting Marpa-0.010000 from the
CPAN (there's an interface for this on pause.cpan.org) and waiting a few
days for the deletion to propagate out to everywhere.

David Cantrell | Reality Engineer, Ministry of Information

    Wow, my first sigquoting! I feel so special now!
        -- Dan Sugalski

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