On Sun, Aug 8, 2010 at 4:58 AM, Marco Neves [ModAuthors]
<perl-module-auth...@knowhunter.cjb.net> wrote:
> Hello,
>        In need for a way to transfer a large amount of small datastructures I
> created a module that stores and retrieves a stream of storables in a file.

I'm confused -- a stream can't be stored in a file, because it is
continually generated.

Also, what is different about this freezer/thawer that makes it
superior to, for instance, YAML or compressed Data::Dumper dumps?

That is, for what general class of use cases would one prefer the
Neves data marshalling system to the available others?

Also, if you're reusing other things in it -- you say "storables" are
you doing something like prefixing length and colon to the output of
Storable and jamming a bunch of those together? -- the underlying
technology and then "stream" might make sense, especially if it can
take an open handle instead of a file name in its constructor. Such a
thing could be nice for creating an abstracted pipe between
distributed processes for instance.

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