On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 1:13 PM, Paul LeoNerd Evans

> On Thu, Sep 09, 2010 at 12:37:43PM -0700, Bill Ward wrote:
> > Yes, but doing so is naughty.
> Really? Howso?
> I ask because I do it in a module of mine.
> http://cpansearch.perl.org/src/PEVANS/IO-Async-0.29/lib/IO/Async/Listener.pm
> Namely:
> -----
>      # This is a bit naughty but hopefully nobody will mind...
>      bless $handle, "IO::Socket" if ref( $handle ) eq "GLOB";
> -----
> Even in the comment you admit it's naughty :) but what I meant was taking
an object of one type and reblessing it to another.  GLOB isn't really an
object (well that's debatable, but it's not from GLOB.pm!) so that's kind of
a different thing.

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