
I find this module intriguing.

In my understanding, the complexity of Module::Build piled up
because the same tool tries to cover both installation and
authoring use cases.

I believe the Dist::Zilla approach is a better way to take care
of authoring: a separate toolchain that can be as complex as the
author would prefer. The installer can then be trivial, as indeed
it should; as well as pure Perl – as indeed, it should.

So Dist::Zilla plus the *idea* of Module::Build::Tiny seem to
fulfil the original concept of Module::Build better than that
module itself ever has.

But is the implementation up to par?

Essentially: if I’m using Dist::Zilla for authoring, what regular
features not explicitly mentioned in MBT’s POD would I have to
avoid? Do things like optional or build-/test-only deps work?
(I’d assume these do.) Or can I assume that everything will work
unless otherwise pointed out?

I could answer this for myself if I had *exact* understanding of
how much of the work falls upon the .PL at install time, and how
many of the toolchain features are implemented in the CPAN client
and thus unaffected by MBT’s minimalism.

So the answer to that is what I’d like.

(I’d also be interested in whether any omissions mentioned in the
POD are design choices or the idea is to add them in the future,
and which if so.)

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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