What about Object::KVC, Object::KVC::String, Object::KVC::List?

Trystan wrote:

I found this idea in Head First OOA&D <http://headfirstlabs.com/books/hfooad/>, 
chapter 5. It's somewhat like a very
simple version of Key-Value Coding
It's also very similar to Object::Generic 
but I didn't use AUTOLOAD and I implemented 'equals' and 'contains' methods in 
order to make the objects searchable
within a container.

Here's an example:

my $a = tbd_name::Object->new(); my $b = tbd_name::Object->new(); $a->set( "ID", 
tbd_name::String->new("1234a") );
$b->set( "ID", tbd_name::String->new("1234a") ); print $a->get("ID"); $a->equals($b) ? 
print "yes"; $container =
tbd_name::List->new(); $container->add($a); $container->search($b); #which 
returns $a

What do I call this thing? I'm thinking the namespace would be 'KeyValue::' or 
'KeyVal::' Would that make sense? (That
namespace doesn't seem to be used.) Should this go in 'Class::'?


Serguei Trouchelle

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