On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 10:14:09PM -0800, Linda W wrote:
> David Cantrell wrote:
> >On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 08:09:35AM -0800, Linda W wrote:
> >>Don't have to touch their code,... but if we want CPAN to be able to
> >>be relied upon.. it's can't have unaddressed bugs for months (let alone a 
> >>year or more)...
> >I promise to address bug reports quickly if you make them more important
> >than everything else in my life.
> If that's how unimportant CPAN is to you, then I'm sure you
> will have no problem if someone takes over maintenance of the module.

In some cases yes, in some no.  Some of my contributions to the CPAN are
projects that I'm still interested in but lack the time to deal with
right now.  Others I no longer have any interest in.

> >You can do that by paying me. 
> Well, i certainly can't enforce this, but whoever sponsors CPAN,

So tell me, who *does* sponsor CPAN?  I'd like to buy them a drink but I
don't have the faintest idea who they might be.

> ... Should be a problem for someone who ALWAYS has something more
> important to do than CPAN.

I wonder where that "always" came from.  Certainly not from me.

You also appear to have not noticed the word "quickly".  I will deal
with *all* bug reports eventually.  Sometimes that will be by fixing
them, sometimes it will be by saying "no, that's not a bug", sometimes
it will be by saying "I'm not going to fix this, would you like to take
over maintenance?", and so on.

David Cantrell | Enforcer, South London Linguistic Massive

Hail Caesar!  Those about to vi ^[ you!

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