I maintain Inline::CPP.  Currently that module's Makefile.PL jumps
through a bunch of hoops to detect the C++ compiler most compatible
with the C compiler that built perl, and to detect what default C++
libraries should be linked in when building Inline::CPP client code.
A lot of work has gone into tweaking to obtain better success rates
with as wide a variety of platforms as possible.

This work could be applicable to other modules that wish to build XS
code based on C++.  Additionally, I would like the ability to continue
development (there's a lot of work still to do) on this task
independently of Inline::CPP (I don't like uploading a new Inline::CPP
for smoke testing every time I want to smoke test a change to
Makefile.PL while leaving the core modules virtually unchanged).

So I intend to split this functionality out of Inline::CPP's
Makefile.PL by creating a new module to handle the detection/guessing

That begs the question of what to call it.  "Config" already reveals
information about how Perl was built (C compiler, etc.).  This is
essentially an extension of that functionality.  Therefore, it makes
sense to me to call it something like "Config::CPP".  But
unfortunately, Config shares its top-level namespace with modules that
are used to deal with configuration files (Config::Auto,
Config::General, Config::JSON, etc.).

My question is what would be an appropriate name for this module?

Dave Oswald


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