Hello, all...

I posted about this once before under an entirely different namespace prior
to realizing that the group of other filters it would have joined at that
location (Image::Filter) were all C, wrapped for perl, and that I wasn't
equipped to do the same and offer the same API to match the rest.  After
presenting at a local perl meetup, it was suggested to me that, since my
new image edge simplification algorithm depends entirely on GD::Image, it
ought to reflect that in the namespace.

To that end, one shot in the dark could be ..::Filter::Simple or
Filter::SimpleEdge or something to that end.  I'm refactoring the algorithm
currently to operate as a module rather than a script, and I'd like, if
someone doth use GD::Image::Filter::WoopWoop; that they'd get the extended
capabilities of GD::Image right along with it (rather than having to make
the two play nice with each other themselves.)

Thoughts?  Demands?  Objections?



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