On Mon, May 12, 2014 at 07:06:49PM +0300, Gabor Szabo wrote:
> a while ago I started to create a dashboard on MetaCPAN.
> If you are a CPAN author logged in to MetaCPAN you can
> visit this page https://metacpan.org/lab/dashboard
> to see two lists:
> The list of your modules that don't have VCS in the META files
> and the list of your modules that don't have a license fields in the META 
> files.
> It would be nice if you could check these out and point out items on
> either of those lists that are incorrectly there.

Module-Metadata is flagged as missing repository metadata, but:


There is some data there. ({repository}{url} was dropped in META.json
because the format I used didn't validate, but has been fixed in the
repository.)  Since metacpan still knows how to parse the data it sees,
what remains should be sufficient.  (You might want to check the metacpan
code to see what exact field(s) it looks for.)

> I am planning - without any real schedule - to steal ideas from Neil Bowers
> http://neilb.org/2014/03/10/cpan-dashboard.html
> but it would be great if you, as module author could say what would be
> useful for you?

More dashboards are great, for the authors that are clued in, but most of
us are already aware of things like this already. It's the authors that
aren't aware that are the problem. This is where the once-a-year reachout
to all authors will help.

Personally, I like the CPANTS/Kwalitee dashboard because I can see lots of
metrics all in one place. If at all possible, I'd prefer to add checks like
this as kwalitee metrics. (It doesn't look like there's a metric for the
resources metadata field; one could easily be added.)

Karen Etheridge

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