* Lars Thegler <l...@thegler.dk> [2015-07-09 20:40]:
> http://prepan.org/ has this exact purpose - incl discussing namespace.

This list also has this exact purpose, including discussing namespace.

* Gordon Marler <gmar...@gmarler.com> [2015-07-09 14:40]:
> I initially named it Devel::libdtrace, which in hindsight seems
> completely wrong, since it's not meant to be used to debug Perl
> itself.

Hooray, someone else who notices the thing that bugs me about 99% of the
stuff in Devel:: on CPAN!

It may be unfortunate that perl’s -d switch reserves a name as broad as
“Devel” for itself, but it is what it is. Yet 99% of modules in Devel::
have nothing to do with the -d switch, they just use the namespace as
a generic term.

There is no way to change any of this now, but it’s still irritating.

> DTrace::Consumer seems nice and descriptive, but may be too far up in
> the name hierarchy.
> Any other suggestions? Thanks for any feedback.

The only other DTrace-related stuff on CPAN is in Devel:: which is out
of the question.

Personally I wouldn’t mind DTrace::Consumer… or so I thought. But if I’m
honest I would mind it just a little.

So I went looking for stuff like strace- and ptrace-related modules, and
that did turn up another alternative: those are split between Devel::
(again) and Sys::. Oh right, d’oh. That seems like a pretty good choice.

How does Sys::DTrace::Consumer sound?

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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