I wonder how do you 'Test' a module that is related to a graphical
interface. I got failure reports from cpan testers with  messages like:

#          got: 'couldn't connect to display ":0" at \
line 53. 
# Tk::MainWindow->new() at t/create.t line 45.

I guess that my testing code should have realized that there was no
available display, skipped the test and issued a warning instead of
failing, but I don't know how to do that. Any suggestion?

Best regards,


W. Luis Mochán,                      | tel:(52)(777)329-1734     /<(*)
Instituto de Ciencias Físicas, UNAM  | fax:(52)(777)317-5388     `>/   /\
Apdo. Postal 48-3, 62251             |                           (*)/\/  \
Cuernavaca, Morelos, México          | moc...@fis.unam.mx   /\_/\__/
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