Paul Johnson writes:

>  - The Logic namespace looks like a mess, but I think this module would
>    fit better in there: Logic::Minimize
>  - The correct spelling is Logic::Minimise

UK English allows both -ize and -ise endings on many verbs*; USA English
only has -ize. So picking the one that's valid in both makes more sense.

There are plenty of cases (like ‘colour’/‘color’) where UK and USA
spellings are disjoint and you just have to pick one which will be
‘wrong’ somewhere, but this isn't one of those cases.


* I believe -ize was the original UK form, in use at the point when the
  USA forked English. The UK later took on -ise as an alternative,
  influenced by French, but the USA didn't cherry-pick that patch to
  their branch.

  Oxford dictionaries use the -ize spellings in headwords and list -ise
  as acceptable alternatives; other UK dictionaries tend to do it
  t'other way round, but all allow both.


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