Neil Bowers on Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 09:36:42AM +0100:
> How about Lingua::LO::Processing, or if that feels too generic, you
> could go with Lingua::LO::TextProcessing, but I think the “Text” is
> pretty redundant in that name.
> Another possibility is Lingua::LO::NLP, but I don’t the double
> acronym, and people looking for neuro-linguistic programming modules
> might get annoyed / confused :-)

Thanks for the suggestions! I think "Processing" sounds a bit too
generic, after all processing is what all modules (maybe with the
exception of something like Regexp::Common that just provides data) do
in a sense. "NLP" is short and sweet. Being in the Lingua:: namespace it
could be argued that it's obviously about natural language so that's no
better than Processing, but it does reduce typing.

People looking for neuro-linguistic processing stuff on CPAN are
probably confused already so I'll take that chance ;)


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