
Does anybody oppose me adding to code to top-level, lower-cased packages
"int", "num", and "str"? What about top-level packages "Int", "UInt",
"Str", or "Num"? Do other type systems use these top-level packages?


You always have good and useful ideas, but you always come across as so
worried. Fear not! It looks like my use of type information is
philosophically aligned with what you do with types in cperl and B::CC.
When I said I wanted to use the type stash in a way 'entirely different'
from the fields pragma, I meant it was orthogonal, not opposed, to the

My only requirement for a type stash's package is that it have a class
method called c_blocks_init_cleanup. This function is called while
constructing the initialization and cleanup code for variables of the
indicated type. I believe that this implementation detail is orthogonal to
your use of types and can coexist in the packages used by cperl and B::CC.

Still, I'm uncertain that I want to use top-level package names for types.
B::CC works with "int" and "num", and "str" is planned. cperl also
implements Int, UInt, Num, and Str. For C::Blocks, the upper- and
lower-cased variants would effectively be identical. Supporting these as
types for C::Blocks will be easy for me to implement and does not (IMHO)
grab too much top-level namespace. However, I plan on having all of the
standard C types, including bit-count names from stdint.h such as uint16_t,
int32_t, intptr_t, etc. Should all of these be top-level packages? I
believe not, and this is why I had proposed using the C:: prefix (and the
suffice _t) for my types. Could cperl support these additional types?

There is one implementation detail in which our approaches differ. For a
number of types, I have implemented c_blocks_init_cleanup in a generic way
in a base class, and use inheritance to let my type classes tweak behavior.
You mention here <http://perl11.org/cperl/perltypes.html#coretypes> that
cperl's coretypes have an empty @ISA. While I could revise the handful of
coretypes that you support to avoid inheritance (direct glob assignment
would work, for example), is there any chance that you'll extend this set
of types to the many other C integer types? That would be doable, but


On Wed, Oct 26, 2016 at 10:39 AM, Reini Urban <reini.ur...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > On Oct 26, 2016, at 4:31 PM, David Mertens <dcmertens.p...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > Hello everyone,
> >
> > I am writing a keyword hook, C::Blocks. I have realized that my hook
> could be made more powerful if I could indicate optional type information
> for variables.
> >
> > Question 1: Perl has support for declaring a variable's type, but it is
> intended to be used with the fields pragma. I get the impression that this
> is rarely used and I want to use it for something entirely different. Can
> anybody see a problem with this?
> yes, I have a problem with that.
> no, types are not only used for the field pragma.
> cperl has proper type support and any "modern perl” needs type support.
> B::CC, the optimizing compiler, has coretype support even in perl5.
> Every lexical has the optional type stash and better signature
> implementations set that also,
> so that perl5 can finally look like a modern perl as perl6 or cperl, but
> not like Moose/Mouse/Moo/… or even worse,
> old-style fields.
> > Question 2: I want to keep the class names for the type system
> relatively short. Can anyone think of problems for names such as:
> >
> >  C::double_t
> >  C::int_t
> >  C::IV_t
> See the cperl coretype names. If they are the same, use it, otherwise use
> your own variants.
> Reini Urban
> rur...@cpan.org

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